Thursday, April 4, 2013

On the edge of something, I can feel it

I was going to delete this blog, it serves no purpose, but to let me talk to myself, say out loud what's on my mind.

I'm not going to delete it. There is a way we all do things in this life, and this is mine. This blog is not face book, twitter, work, or for me to brag. It's about me and how I live.

Well, how do I live. I live well actually. I'm not rich, don't seek to be, I have enough. I'm not a super model, I don't even think I'm pretty. I do like to dress up on a Sunday though. It's my guilty pleasure. I like to be fit, but I'm not right now. I will be though I don't like feeling the way I do.

I say all this, because like I've said before on this blog, I like to do new things, stretch myself and grow. There are lots I things I think I can do. Like running a hundred meter dash like I used to, very fast. But can I actually do that anymore, no.

But what I can do is try.

Not to run, but other things. I do like to sing, actually I love music but that didn't happen. I didn't take singing lessons like I wanted to a few years ago. I can't even remember what new and exciting thing I did that year.

But last year, I decided to write a story, and post it to a free web site for stories called Wattpad. Who knew I could write a story from beginning to end. It was hard by the way. Hard to make what was in my head read well on paper.

I started with an idea, then thought about it all the time till it had bones. I told my husband and sister and they laughed at me. I told them that I was sick of reading the same old stuff in the genre I loved and that I was going to do this.

One night, I sat at the computer and starred at the screen, looking back and forth from husband to computer and said "I'm going to do it, I'm gong to load a chapter."

One year later to the day, today. I've written three stories and have two more on the way. To my surprise I have fans, a web page, and a face book page where a small handful of people from all over the world come and join me. It's not like this. This blog is about something else. Stuff I like to do and how I do it.

No one knew I wrote stories, I didn't want to rely on the people around me, to force them into something they wouldn't like. I can honestly say that I gain my readers one at a time, page by page.

I have some that help with my editing, some that make my covers because they love my stories, and some that help run my new book club. ALL are my friends, it's a wonderful web I've created for myself. And it wasn't easy! And there is still a long way to go.

This was one of my secret desires. I've always written, I love it. I was invited to speak at the Society of Women Writers of Tasmania a few weeks ago. I did it, and it was fun. I felt very inadequate though, until Mary Hawkins, an author there told me this "don't conform Mel. Stay true to how you want to write"

There are a lot of people telling us how to do stuff out there. And I get very scarred sometimes to post chapters, proof read, seek advice. But the point is, is that I do it. I uploaded the front cover to the first book I want to publish today. Wow! It's happening. I feel like I'm on the edge of something. How far shall I take this. Well I don't know! Lets just see how far I can get :)

"I think it, I write it, and hope it makes sense"
Melanie Corona

PS- no house work has been done for a year! Something had to give lol

I threw in the Pinterest one just so you know I'm not changed, just doing something new *giggles*

1 comment:

Simone Triffitt said...

You continue to inspire me with everything you do, for the way you love and live your life and for putting yourself out there and embarking on this whole new chapter in your life. - pun intended LOL.

ANd by the way you are pretty, you dag!!
