Monday, December 13, 2010

Carry case

So this is another of Kealins creations. He wanted to make charna a bag, while dean and i were shopping for supplies we came across this wooden carry case for a few dollars. When Kealin saw it he was excited he chose the fabric, the flowers and how to put them on. He is very specific when it comes to his craft, actually everything : ) Anyway i did suggest to him to cut the fabric into smaller pieces but noooo! he arranged it and this is how it turned out. I helped him trim and maneuver the fabric but really Mod podge does the rest! As for the flowers Kealin told his mumma where to put the clue (as it was a hot glue gun) and he stuck them on. I know its hard to believe for some people that my 6 year old  BOY could do this. Come over i say and meet him He is awesome.

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