Monday, December 13, 2010

Bath Packs

 So These are Kealins Bath packs for his younger brothers. Last week he was sick from school and we had a chance to sit down together and research some ideas. The face cloths were originally a hand puppet idea. I told Kealin i had some toweling and we could make them into bath toys, (my kids LLOOVVEE face cloths) so the decision was made. Kealin cut everything out even the spikes on the dragons but mumma did the sewing. We just made up a shape and i made sure the eyes were on very securely. For the sponges i just bought cheapy ones from the supermarket and Kealin drew the pictures and cut them out. I had him think about and practice what he was going to do first so that we knew it would fit on the sponge, and you could tell what the picture was when it was cut out. And Then He choose to put them into a clear plastic bag i had spare from sheet sets i bought, (i keep all these things) one for each pack. Maybe if we have time, and i can find borax we will make soaps to go in them.

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