You know i've been thinking lately..................I have a food memory attached to almost every person who has made a difference in my life. Now i cant really be sure if i noticed the food attachment because i tend to be into food and that's what i choose to remember them by or if i was attracted to them because of their food : ) hard to say hey!! any way i apologize now if Ive left you out but these people i know i remember them either teaching me something about food or i adopted something from them about the way they use food in their lives. Why am i doing this you may ask. Well I love food although i don't proclaim to be a foodie i love to eat it, cook it, read about it, watch people prepare it. I'm not that great at cooking it but i certainly love to try.
Aunty Jan Early- this women could cook. She was the mother of one of my oldest friends. I grew up hoping that Dianne would invite me over for dinner. from Her I wanted to grow up having everyone love my sandwiches, sit at a beautifully set table even though its the middle of the week and its just your kids your feeding and presentation.
Jacqui Rowberry- Bread i learn't to love to make bread, and pretty platters. This women could make the best mashed potatoes.
Vanessa Fieaki- I owe this lady alot...whenever i walked through her doors she would go to the kitchen and start cooking. Just do it, feed your friends, and have fun, cooking is supposed to be fun people!
David Hoyle- This guy loved to feed people and im pretty sure he is working in europe somewhere right now, But he was a very good chef and he taught me to thicken with tomato puree, reduce and cook my veggies properly.
Caroline Losee- Read your recipes. I love this lady she made me love recipes and sharing them. aFor a long time of my life i thought that people who used recipes didn't know how to cook properly. THIS IS NOT TRUE... recipes rock. And Herb rice!
My Nana Semah- Baking of course, my Nana is 70 something and is still making money from her beautiful cakes mmmmm
My Uncle Colin- Take pride in your food... Baste, take your time with somethings because the end result is worth it.
My Mother- Soya sauce, garlic and chicken stock can make a variety of meals have those in your cupboard and you can make anything taste good. Amongst other things!
Simone Triffitt- just keep trying and when you find something you can do well claim it and make it your own!!!!
Michelle Barton- My thanks giving menu and carrot cake. Whenever i make her carrot cake people love me : )
My Aunty Jill- this women can make food appear from nowhere. I remember sometimes i didn't even know she left and there it is a plate of food!!. Make it look effortless that's the trick
Tami Lyman- Havardi cheese and Brownies
Yasmin Griffen- warm chicken salad among other things
Denis Griffen- Dem Tubes (Chicken cannelloni)
Aunty Clara- Lasagna oh my goodness!!
Dianne- The sandwich
Bianca- tin tomatoes
Renata- Caro chocolate and vegetarian food respect your food people
Debbie Yeckly- Mexican food
Cheryl Munn- scrambled eggs
Dean Corona- breakfast potatoes
Sandra ford and her mother Aunty Memory- Fry bread
Aunty Elli- Chicken soup and home made noodles
Aunty Sam- Spag bol and making sure there is JUST enough!!
Grandpa Majid- 2 minute noodles (a childhood memory)
Grandpa Webster- Warm Weetbix simple but satisfying
Vicky Zeizle- Home made Lasagna sheets
Kit Porter- Mud cake mmmm
Suzzanne and Lionol Walters- powdered milk
Lorrainne Dean- Soup....My kids wouldn't eat soup till this wonderful women started bring the odd batch around for us, Thank you Lorraine now my children are open to soup, even green coloured ones.
Cherri and Standford Forbs- chicken satay on hotdog buns. And sharing, these guys would rock up at our place with their dinner and we would all just share what we have prepared. And breakfast parties, guess what guys.....we don't have those anymore : (. Pancakes with blueberries and cream with maple syrup, deans potatoes, fried eggs, toast, bacon, chorizo, fruit, musili, french toast, waffles, spaghetti, bacon, basil, sun dried tomato roll, breakfast pies and the list goes on yep i miss those mornings.
Toni Coward- Risotto
Nana Judith- the kiss biscuit which is in my opinion a Tasmanian cookie
Sherri Bryers- Now my sister was hard to pin down because she has cooked me a meriad of things over the years so when i see her i just think of eating lol
Well you get the picture This list has to be on going because i know ive thought about this list and there are people missing. But any way i needed to get this off my chest.