Tuesday, July 13, 2010

House Number 7

So i was folding Laundry this morning, instructing the children to get ready for school, feeding the baby breakfast, and changing two dirty nappies and i saw a mail truck enter our street. Now i ordered this cook book a few weeks ago and have been anxuosly awaiting for it to arrive. I have actually seen the mail truck come to our street but to different houses so i held my breath and YES!! it turned into my house. I collected the package, opened it and........there it was shining like a christmas light, My new cook book. So i knew that after i took the kids to school i could read it, so i put it on the table for later. When i got home from dropping the kids of at school I remembered that i had a RS meeting at my house ( i knew i had the meeting it just takes a while for the old brain to connect the dots). So I put the book on the bench and pulled out the vacume and got stuck into the daily cleaning. When the phone rang and Kelly asked to come early and cut out a pattern i said sure and put the book in the cupbord to make way for fabric cutting. Our meeting went for four hours (Not all of this meeting was actual " meeting " stuff talk of course). By the time everyone left the kids came home from school and the afternoon chaos starts.It was now or never so i chose now to pull out the cook book and flick through it. So above is a recipe that i thought looked good, and i could get it done quick, steak sandwiches with a kick . Served with herb potatoes, raw broccoli and ranch dressing, and by the way it was YUMMY!!

1 comment:

Katherine said...

aww yumm looks great!making me hungry and Im on a diet.. lol not good hehehe