Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Corona Christmas

Well I am writing to have a complain!! I am very tiered of the media telling us what we have to buy and what our children will love to get at Christmas, even the whole stigma of receiving a gift from some one and feeling we have to give back (even though you cant afford it or you forgot), or just the whole multi present per child thing, WHO INVENTED THAT IDEA!. Seriously no one knows our children like we do and if you feel they would hate it to miss out on these things then your wrong!. I went to a Stake relief society activity just last month and i felt very moved when i was watching a slide show of our Saviors life, Which in fact is WHY WE CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS. I was touched so deeply that i a balled, and my heart ached. So it sparked a conversation with my husband who did not like my idea of giving the children Nothing!! material for Christmas this year. (Childhood hang ups i suppose).... So ..... I did what i always do, and i hounded him by relating the fact that last year we spent well over 800 of his hard earned dollars on things the kids don't play with, don't wear or are broken all for the sake of saving face with them and with other people (well actually we wanted to at the time as well). Soooo this last Monday it got to me, as i write this it is getting to me. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! its time to take control of my Christmas and teach my family what I want them to learn from this Christmas season. Even though we always read the birth of Christ story to them every Christmas eve and do service etc there is more.!!

So as per normal we had our Family Home Evening and my husband quite surprised me. He said "kids i love you and your mother and i have done you an injustice. " By the way i would like to mention that i have remarkable children they were already good about the whole chritmas pressie thing, and i make them carol every year!

Then my husband read to them D&C 88:63

Draw near unto me and i will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

Then he told the kids that they would be recieving no store bought presants this year. They were to have a budjet of 10 dollars each to buy the supplies they would need to MAKE a presant for each family member.



And then they got to it. I  love my children they are the most wonderful people. I love my Savior for the sacrifice he made for me and i love my Husband for without him and his wisdom we would not be who we are shaping to be!

And by the way last night i helped three of my kids start making presents and the pride they felt and the feeling in my home held the spirit of my elder brother.


Unknown said...

Spot on...

I had the same sort of epiphany at a family Christmas back in 2006. I couldn't see why I needed to be frantically running in this little self-made treadmill being a slave to consumerism and materialism; so I opted out...

Ever since then I've made my Christmas presents and only give presents to my family ie My Mum, Dad and Brother.

Everyone else just gets a card/letter and if they are close by...some christmas cookies/treat.

Lizzy :)

Unknown said...

YOUR AWESOME! I'm blessed to have all of you in my life.I love all of you.Talk to you soon