Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Turkey's!!, I mean Turkey

We could have had a drama with the turkey would you like to hear the story? OK here it is. Mel ordered the turkey from the butcher back in the begging of October, as no-one stocks them till Christmas. So Mel's dad came home from Launceston about three weeks ago and bought a turkey from a catering shop as a back up!. Mel thought he was mad and just got a little happy while grocery shopping (that's where Mel gets it form, the love of food shopping not being mad). Anyway the Monday before Thanksgiving Mel goes to the butcher to pick up the turkey she ordered and they didn't have one till Friday which off course is a day late. Remembering Mel is Pregnant and cant even remember yesterday, she fretted all day about not having a Turkey (which is what Dean wants most besides pumpkin pie). Until her daddy came home and thought he was a hero because he bought a back up turkey which Mel did tease him about when he first got it. Thanks Dad for listening to your still small voice, or it could have been in fear that his pregnant daughter would cry and be upset if she didn't get her turkey!

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