Friday, October 19, 2007

Family week

Well its been a busy week for the Coronas, Jackson met the Govenor of Australia ( one of his many duties as an SRC representative), and he had his school sports carnival in which he participated in many avents, which I cant remember at this time. Charna decided that this week she would all of a sudden learn to tie her own shoe laces, it was historic concidering no one has taught her how. Kealin went no# 2's on the toilet (a matter we have been struggling with), and nan and pop bought him a new superman outfit so out with spiderman for a while at least. So a good week. Dean worked all week through a bout of the flu, hurt his calf muscle while playing BBall, because he thinks he is fit but hasn't really done any exercise for five years and all of a sudden he thinks he can run like he was 20, and Melanie pieced together a Christmas quilt in two days because it frustrated her, and today is going to go shopping for more fabric with Deans hard earned flu money to start a next project:). Next week we start preparing for our big halloween party so more then. Seeya Coronas Downunder

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